
Community Member
Become a Community Member!
Membership Benefits:
Quarterly newsletter
Potential discounts on future events
Invitation to monthly potluck dinners
Be the first to know about Potluck Dinners, Garden and Farm Tours
Opportunity to become involved in the local foods movement

Grower &
Producer Member
Become a Grower and Producer!
In addition to the General Member Benefits, you will receive the following:
Listed on FGA website and social media Local Resources pages
Recognized publicly at FGA grower events and newsletter
Networking opportunities at Potluck Dinners, Winter Conference and other events

Farm to Fork Advocate
Become a Farm to Fork Advocate!
Help us reach an important milestone: HIRING A FULL TIME FGA DIRECTOR
Full member benefits included.
$75/year: receive 1 ticket to the Winter Conference
$150/year: receive 2 tickets to the Winter Conference plus a vendor table
$500/year: receive 3 tickets to the Winter Conference plus a vendor table