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Edible Ohio Valley Magazine
Celebrating Ohio River Valley Food Culture, Season By Season.

Farm to School
Farm to School connects schools with local farms with the goals of providing healthy meals in school cafeterias, improving student health and educating on health and nutrition while supporting small local farms.

Flower, Plants and Gardening for Kids!
A great children's guide to plants, botany, gardening, hydroponics and horticulture.

Mother Earth News 
The"Original Guide to Wiser Living." This website covers organic gardening, DIY projects and plans, renewable energy, natural health and living.

Crossroad Resource Center
Crossroads Resource Center, a non-profit organization, works with communities and their allies to foster democracy and local self-determination. They specialize in devising new tools that communities can use to create a more sustainable future.

The Meatrix
This award-winning four minute animation on factory farming educates the viewer about the problems with today's meat supply. 

The Organic Consumers Association
The OCA is an online and grassroots non-profit public interest organization campaigning for health, justice and sustainabiltiy.

Rodale Institute Farm Letter

Seeds of Deception
Author Jeffery Smith informs public of the dangers of genetically engineered foods.

Slow Food
Slow Food celebrates local food and artisans in an atmosphere of community.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program has helped advance farming systems that are profitable, environmentally sound and good for communities through a nationwide research and education grants program.

Sustainable Table
Sustainable Table is a consumer campaign developed by the Global Resource Action Center for the Environment (GRACE). It was launched to help direct consumers to the leading organizations who are working on the sustainable food movement.

True Food Network
True Food Network is dedicated to stopping the genetic engineering of our food, farms and future, and working with others to create a socially just, democratic and sustainable food system.

Water Conservation in the Garden

International Home Gardening Group

Welcome to the international home food production group. This group will find ways to support and promote home food production which might include, but not limited to, a mixture of home gardening, orchards, small livestock production, apiculture and aquaculture. This support is specifically about food production for home use, or non-market, food production and processing, and possible income generation from sales of surplus. It is important to build and draw on the expertise of people in their communities who are growing and raising food for home use, and to encourage peer-to-peer exchange to strengthen those already practicing and to encourage and assist new home food producers. For example, home food producers can meet regularly to share meals, food production and processing tips, seeds, excess produce, and encouragement. This international home food production group will assist in sharing practical lessons, materials and methods that work (and haven't worked) aiming to ultimately connect and support the producers themselves.

14 Ways Consumers Can Reduce Food Waste

Growing Herbs in Your Garden
This is a great resource for learning about herbs and how to grow them.

Home and Garden Resources for the Master Gardener
This website not only has useful information for the gardener, it has valuable educational material for the classroom.



Historic Hoosier Hills
HHH is a non-profit umbrella organization for citizen groups who want to solve economic and natural resource problems of the area while properly developing and conserving our natural and human resources.

Indiana Cooperative Development Center
The ICDC is a non-profit corporation which operates statewide to provide technical assistance and outreach to facilitate the creation of cooperative business ventures in addition to other collaborative business groups.

My Indiana Home
My Indiana Home is produced for Indiana Farm Bureau members. Our mission is to connect you with the food you eat, the Indiana farmers who grow it and a rural lifestyle that is uniquely Hoosier.

Indiana Grown 
Developed by the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) and backed by some of Indiana’s biggest names in the industry, Indiana Grown is a statewide, all-inclusive and collaborative program promoting Indiana-produced agricultural products. The program enriches and preserves Indiana’s strong agricultural heritage by promoting locally grown agricultural products, local employment opportunities and statewide economic growth, all while building sustainable communities.

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